
How much do you know about Korean Ginseng and Red Ginseng?

How much do you know about Korean Ginseng and Red Ginseng?
-        2011 World Geumsan Ginseng  EXPO  -
 In terms of the effectiveness, the medicines or foods related to Ginseng and Red Ginseng(a kind of ripen Ginseng) produced in Korea are known to everybody as they are vastly superior to those of any other countries, and even though you take or eat any of them for a long time, you won't suffer any bad reactions because they don't have any side effects. And the sovereign virtue of them are as follows.

  *Korean Ginseng or Red Ginseng Products Are Very Effective In~

1.  Removing Mental and Physical Stress.
2.  Improving Psychogenic Impotence.
3.  Improving Bad Blood Circulation and Lipid Metabolism, and Boosting the functions of endotheliocyte of Blood Vessels.
   4. Improving Anhematopoiesis Resulted from Radiation.
   5. Improving Controlling Function of Blood-sugar,
       and  Relieving Symptoms of Diabetes.
   6.Suppressing the Propagation and Spread of Cancer
       Cells, and Relieving the Side Effects of Anticancer
   7. Regeneration of Damaged Liver Cell, and Acute
       Hepatitis Patients' Fast Recovery and Their
       Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
8. Speeding Up Alcoholysis Enzymes.
9. Preventing Flu and Respiratory Diseases.
  Moreover, Red Ginseng made from well-chosen six-

year-old Fresh Ginseng produced in Korea has many new

Phytonutrients that are very beneficial to health.
  Chief of all, In any other products except Red Ginseng, We can never find the eight kinds of unique ingredients only Red Ginseng products have, such as Maltol(Anti Aging Ingredient), Ingredient of Suppressing the Propagation of Cancer Cells, Ginsenoside RH2(Antitumorigenic Ingredient), 20, s, Ginsenoside Rg(Ingredient of Suppressing Spread of Cancer Cells), and so on.

  Each kind of Ginseng has different numbers of Saponin
depending on its kind. And it has come out open that while there are 32 kinds of Saponin in Red Ginseng, in White Ginseng are 22, in Chinese Ginseng are 15, in American Ginseng are 14, and in Japanese Ginseng are only 8.

  In the process of manufacturing Red Ginseng, particles of starch of Fresh Ginseng turns from 'Sol' to 'Gel', so Red Ginseng is more excellent for digestive absorption than Fresh Ginseng or just Dried Ginseng. And the products made from Ginseng and Red Ginseng are too numerous to list completely.

 Korean People prefer Red Ginseng to Fresh Ginseng or Dried Ginseng, and they make it into the various types of products such as Beverage, Gel, Candy, Crystallized Red Ginseng, Tablets, Pills, Powder, and so forth to eat conveniently.

  Ginseng and Red Ginseng were originally used as a very precious herb in Korea, but these days, they are used even food and beverage for the health, and Geumsan-gun located in Chungcheongnam-do has held “Geumsan World Ginseng Expo” since 1981 to advertise the sovereign virtue of Ginseng and Red Ginseng all over the world.

This year, “2011 Geumsan World Ginseng Expo” is held around Geumsan-gun in Chungcheongnam-do from 3rd. of Sep. to 3rd. of Oct. 2011.

The main title of "2011 Geumsan World Ginseng Expo" is "Root of Life, Ginseng", and there will be various events like experience of digging Ginseng. All of the events are 42, and the events will be done in (the following 5 places).
  ▲ The Way of Welcome
    ▲ The Spring of Knowledge
    ▲ The Yard of Communication
    ▲ The Meeting Ground
    ▲ The Hill of Rest

 If you want any of further information about 2011 Geumsan World Ginseng Expo or purchasing Ginseng products, you can contact us through the following various ways.   

* Facebook : traditionalkoreareview
* Twitter : traditionalkore
* Messenger : ds3azn@hotmiail.com
* Direct E-mail : ds3azn@hanmail.net
*Tel : 82-42-825-2196
*Fax : 82-0303-0525-1801

   Event ^^
To celebrate introducing Korean Korea Red-jinseng here, if you leave your e-mail address, phone number, and Address in English here, we will send a pack of Korean Red Jinseng Candy to the first 5 arrivals.  After having sent Red Jinseng Candy, we will introduce a part of every e-mail address of you on this page because of privacy agreement.


*What salt is better than French 'Guerande'? -Korean Solar Salt, 'Cheonilyeom'!!-

1.What is Cheonilyeom?
2.What's the difference between French Guerande and Korean Cheonilyeom?
3.The manufacturing Process of Korean Cheonilyeom, its Various Certifications, and
its Features
4.Products and Prices
5. How to Contact Us
6. EVENT !!

1.    What is Cheonilyeom?
We call Cheonilyeom Bay Salt, or Solar Salt in English, and it is a kind of salt dried in the sunshine with the natural wind and the direct sunlight. And this salt is classified as a different kind of thing from Rock Salt, fossilized seawater, or Refined Salt, pure Sodium Chloride (NACL) extracted from seawater through electrolysis.
Generally, we think that Salt is only salty, but Cheonilyeom has not only salty taste but also deep sweet taste, so most of world's prominent cooks never use Refined Salt, but only Solar Salt when they cook.

2.    What's the difference between French Guerande and KoreanCheonilyeom?
Every year, the total output of Solar Salt in the world is about 440,000tons, and Solar Salt is mostly produced in France, Portugal, China, Vietnam, Japan and Korea etc., and especially in Korea, about 280,000tons in the west and south coast. Most goods are usually classified as a good or bad one by a result of marketing, but when we see the kalium(potassium) content in various kinds of salt, which makes our body excrete easily Sodium Chloride which causes illness like diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure in the following table, we can see the classified results are not always right. Please look at the following table.

Korea Bay Salt
Sodium Chloride : 1,429 (mg/kg),
Calcium(Ca):  3,067(mg/kg), >> 3 times
Kalium(K) : 3,067(mg/kg), >> 3 times
Magnesium(Mg) :  9,797(mg/kg) >> 3 times
France Bay Salt
Sodium Chloride : 1,493(mg/kg)
Calcium(Ca) : 1,073(mg/kg)
Kalium(K) : 1,073(mg/kg)
Magnesium(Mg) : 3,975(mg/kg)

3.    The manufacturing Process of Korean Cheonilyeom, its Various Certifications, and its Features Shinan-gun, an insular district of Korea is located in Jeolla-do province that has been blessed by heaven with a wonderful natural environmental condition to make good Solar Salt, and it has abundant amount of sunshine, the very clean environment selected as a UNESCO's Biosphere Conservation Area, and the Seawater which has higher salinity than that of East Sea of Korea, so 80% of local total output of Solar Salt has been produced in this district since the Period of Japanese Occupancy.
Some domestic leading food makers produce Cheonilyeom(Solar Salt), and there are about 900 salt farms in this area. In 2006, Paulo Saturnino who is the founder of Slow city and a jury of World Slow City raved about this area, saying, "This is a place God kissed". And the consuming public in Korea have better reliability of foods with Cheonilyeom(Solar Salt) from this area.
It takes fully 25 days to make Cheonilyeom once, and the makers work from April to October every year.

<Manufacturing Method>
A. At low tide, we store seawater in the reservoir.
B. We fill in the first step evaporating pond by supplying seawater through the waterways connected with the salt board(salinity is about 2o)
C. After evaporating for a period of time, we send the seawater to the second evaporating pond.
D. We send the evaporated salty water to the crystaling yard.
E. When it rains, we keep the salty water in the storehouses(salinity is about 23o).
F. We reap the Salt classifying Grey Salt made on the ground and White Salt made on the laminated paper(when compared with White Salt, the total yield of Grey Salt is about 1/3 of it, and the price of Grey Salt is 5 times more expensive than that of White One.).
G. We put the Salt in the Ton Bags, and hang the Bags in the storages for 6 months to ripen the Salt in it.

<Various Certifications>
A. As for a Salt Farm, we got the world first ISO22000 Certification by UKAS's deliberation and confirmation of actual place.
B. KS(Korean Industrial Standards) Certification.

<The Features of Korean Cheonilyeom>
A. Pesticide-free and environment-friendly Salt.
B. HACCP management of the whole manufacturing process.
C. Much of Magnesium and Sodium Chloride(NACL) has been Eliminated By Ton Bag storing.

<The representative Salt Farms in Korea>
A.   Taepyeong Salt farm Co. Ltd. : in Jeung-do. since 1953.  
representative Son, Ilseon.
B. Daedong Salt Farm : in Bigeum-do. since 1946.
C. Seongchang Salt Farm : representative Bahk, Seongchang. ISO 22000.
D. Shinil Salt Farm : representative Choe shinil. ISO 22000.

<The good places worth seeing in Shinan-gun>
A. Salt Museum.
B. Salt Cave.
C. Salt Restaurant (For Healing).
D. Salt plant Botanical Garden.

4.Products & Price

5. How to Contact Us
If you have any questions about Korean Cheonilyeom, or you want to purchase it, please give us e-mails or write down here. ^^

*Messenger : ds3azn@hotmiail.com  
*E-mail : ds3azn@hanmail.net
*Facebook : traditionalkoreareview
*Twitter : traditionalkore
*Tel : 82-42-825-2196
*Fax : 82-0303-0525-1801

6. EVENT !!
To celebrate introducing Korean Cheonilyeom here, if you leave your e-mail address, phone number, and Address in English here, we will send 1kg of Korean Cheonilyeom to the first 10 arrivals.  After having sent Cheonilyeom, we will introduce a part of every e-mail address of you on this page because of privacy agreement.
7 Kg. 1 pack.  8 USD. Except Delivery Charge.
10 Kg. 1 pack. 15 USD. Except Delivery Charge.
