We explained some basic facts about Korean Stock Market last time.
But this time, we are going to inform you with ease and in detail about the real way to buy the Korean Ddang Goods you'd like to purchase in quantity from us through this Homepage.
Following pictures show us a community learning about Ddang Market. They gather together almost every week, and exchange their opinions about this market, information about the region and new goods, and interact with each other for mutual exchange of information about online market and council for export.
Following photo shows an example that the seller expressed detailed explanations about the goods, and quantities on the Cafe or Blog.
<< Click photo if you want to read more large ^^
We communicate opinions as a policy with the managers who operate their own stores.
In this case, for example, we send and receive mails or memos like following form with the managers all over the world.
It seems that the overseas buyers can also use this form. And following form is our real Ad by which we are currently selling the ddang goods, so if you'd like to buy following goods, please contact us as soon as possible, and you can buy them at quite a good price and condition. We promise!
Feel free to leave your e-mail address here any time you like if you are an overseas buyer who is interested in purchasing any Korean ddang goods at a cheap price, or a vender who wants to be supplied free gifts for the shopping mall, and we'll give you our reply as soon as possible. Thank you very much!
* Facebook : traditionalkoreareview
* Twitter : traditionalkore
* Direct E-mail : ds3azn@hanmail.net
*Tel : 82-42-825-2196
*Fax : 82-0303-0525-1801
*Sender : TERA(World Korean Trade and Distribution Network)
We sell about 8,500 sets of TERA Distribution's Oshikoshi One-piece dress 3 sorts sets in dumping sale.
We also have a lot of another kinds of clothing as follows, and if you buy the Oshikoshi one-piece dresses we are currently selling, you are going to get all of them for free with the dresses you've bought. Following is the detailed explanation about the free gifts.
1. We have about 1600~2000 patterned tops such as sunflower one-piece dress, and you can get all of them for free!
2. We also have woven patched Oshikoshi one-piece dresses made one or two years ago as sets with panties hung on hangers, and you can also get them for free!
3. Not only that, we too have Circo one-piece dresses with panties as sets, and we made the same patterned hair-bands for them for 1,000 won each, but you can get all of them for free, too!
All of the one-piece dresses currently being sold are packed in boxes, and there are seven dresses which have their own hangers and poly bags in each box, and there are various sizes of dresses in a box such as 4/5"(2pieces), 6/7"(2pieces), 8/9"(2pieces), and 10"(1piece) so that you don't need to worry about the sizes at all.
We have got a lot of calls from the members, but now we are having a clearance sale so that the quantity of the goods we have can be changed, and because of that, we let the sale by bulk rest for the time being, and told them to come at the beginning of April.
We have to vacate the storehouse soon so that we proceed with this sale on a first-come first-serve basis only.
*Cell phone number : 010-2792- ****
*begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 010-2792-****
*end_of_the_skype_highlighting TERA Distribution
*Some new images are posted on the Cafe.
< Quotation form >
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Address | |
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